Wednesday, August 09, 2006

next time I buy a house...

It's going to be close to something beautiful, dammit.

Looking at LadyJ's blog made me remember how I used to love walking my
dog through the bush near my house in Bendigo. The smell of
eucalyptus, sitting in the native grass, the little gum nuts and bits
of bark that'd stick to your clothes when you stood up again. The
organic feel of it. The trees filtered out the light along with the
rest of the world.

I used to take my school books down there and slowly work my way
through my homework whilst Alex chased the wind or tried to squish her
over-big body onto my lap until night crept up, signalled only by the
briefly flaming red sky overhead and the surprising cold.

In the last few years I've lived near a creek and the beach. Both
were lovely in their own ways. The creek had some of that same quiet
calm of the bush whilst the beach was... well... in St Kilda. When I
lived in the city I found that solitude in crowds. I loved the people
and the energy. I loved the roof of my building. There wasn't
anything better than heading up there with a cigarettes, red wine and

Now there's nothing. We have a bunch of concrete in our backyard.
There's a park up the road but it's a wee little park edged with back
fences and full of kids and dogs. There's no cool places to walk to.
No nifty little hideaways. Nothing. Suburbia bites.

I must get onto fashioning a little Japanese garden out the front of
our house otherwise Imma gunna go nuts.

posted by johana at 2:00 pm


  • The trees filtered out the light along with the
    rest of the world.

    Isn't that the best?

    I'm a little worried about my Manchester adventure -- the campus and its environs don't look so pretty.

    I must get onto fashioning a little Japanese garden out the front of our house otherwise Imma gunna go nuts.

    You should!

    (er, create a garden -- not go nuts :)

    By Blogger hester, at 1:30 am  
  • Yes! Grow sashimi and bonsais.

    I miss the beach in St Kilda.

    Well, maybe not the beach so much. But I miss the sea.



    By Blogger teigan, at 11:03 am  
  • Aw... is no good. Melboune Uni is very pretty *wink wink, nudge nudge* :P

    And - The garden I shall work on. It's possibly too late for the nuts bit though. : )

    By Blogger johana, at 2:25 pm  
  • >Aw... is no good.

    Nah s'all good. I do miss the water and the Kilda environs generally in some ways but I like where I'm living now equally. City just down the road, Brunswick St, Carlton Gardens etc. And I have a garden and stuff now. Certainly can't complain. It's just different.

    (Much more convenient for MU here too.)

    By Blogger teigan, at 4:32 pm  
  • >And I have a garden and stuff now.

    Y'know, I live in a house. There's so much to be said for living in a house as opposed to a cupboard

    Didn't want to say all that in the first comment coz I didn't want to seem too smug. But point is, I agree - suburbia SUCKS

    By Blogger teigan, at 4:49 pm  
  • Ya. I like the house. Hate the concrete around it. Hate it more as time goes by. And the lack of natural features. Even pretend natural would be ok. Even just a view. I view of fake natural would be alright by me. Just somewhere to escape to...

    All else is alright. 8 kms from the city, train just around the corner, Sydney road, lotsa good food, close to the zoo, etc.

    By Blogger johana, at 5:18 pm  
  • Melboune Uni is very pretty *wink wink, nudge nudge* :P


    All the pretty universities reject me.

    (Actually, just Melbourne Uni. *sigh* Their loss. Yes. Damn them.)

    By Blogger hester, at 12:07 am  
  • *does double take*

    I'm sure I copyrighted those *pout*s somewhere along the line... ; )

    err... well... RMIT is also... actually RMIT isn't pretty at all actually but it is in a very pretty city. :D

    Damnit! Stupid Melbourne and their stupid exclusive ways!

    By Blogger johana, at 12:18 am  
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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:12 am  
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