Wednesday, August 30, 2006

while we wait...

for my photos to upload, if they ever decide to do so...

Reading about space and pluto, <a href="<a
in particular about a minute ago makes me feel queasy. Like
physically queasy. Like when you go down a steep hill or go fast on
the swings kinda queasy. It's like my body's all good with the
proportions of our world but when I think of all that space and size
out there is readjusts. Enter stage left that falling feeling. I'm
sure I'd make a terrible astronaut.

Bother. Indy keeps asking me for a pet mouse. Last week she was
after a rat. I don't actually mind pet rodents but I'm sure our cats
would love them perhaps a little too much.

posted by johana at 10:36 am


  • i had a pet rat, once. his name was Darwin and he was fuzzy brown. he liked to curl up on my neck, under my hair, and go to sleep. man... i miss Darwin, now. :}

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:06 pm  
  • My sister had a pet rat. His name was Harry. She loved him very much. He eventually became monstrously obese and died young, of heart failure or some other such obesity-related affliction. But he was funny. Harry the rat.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:24 pm  
  • Aw... see I think a rat would be kinda cool. They seem very companionable and all...

    But then having seen my smallest cat happily crunch her way through the back half of a wild huge rat, I wouldn't give a tame one long...

    By Blogger johana, at 2:15 pm  
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