Monday, May 23, 2005

In a world where everybody fucks everybody else over

am I the only one who owns a crappy puter that wont let them look at Another Operative's blog?? Is sooo frustrating... I get that "I am another operative" bit and then nothing. It used to be accessable sporadically but now - no love. No love at all...

I think it might be the template...

Or the modem internet thing...

Or some kinda cosmic/cyber conspiracy...

No clue

EDIT: I got him back! : ) Apparently his blog hates progress and just wanted me to use explorer. Stupid explorer... I hates it so much.
*shakes fist at both AO's blog and explorer*

posted by johana at 2:49 pm | 10 comments


I have some apologising to do. I am most sincerely apologetic for any offense caused by any of my posts. It was utterly unintended and I am kinda shocked that anyone one would take what I say seriously enough to actually get all knickers in a knotty about it... (excpet for you that person who I don't like and is talking nonsense about me on other blogs and needs some serious attention from a trained professional. You know who you are...)

So yes... apologies made....

By the way-

Tori = transcendent

posted by johana at 2:15 pm | 2 comments

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Okie dokie... here goes.

I just now got out of hospital. Now here comes the admission. The big secret. The reasons behind the random hormonal ranting. I've been pregnant for the last 16 weeks... Looks like we all get to see how Neurocam deals with maternity leave after all...

On Friday night my waters broke. Anyone who knows anything about the whole baby making process knows that having your waters break at 16 weeks is not a good sign. I knew this. I knew it before the doctor sat me down and said there was nothing they could do. That we would lose the baby.

Imagine's everyones surprise when they looked at an ultrasound image of a baby surrounded by fluid. I had a twin pregnancy happening... Two sacs and only one baby. Turns out that the empty sac wanted out...

I just got out of hospital now. It seems everythings going to be ok. Everybody cross their fingers for us now...

posted by johana at 12:24 pm | 9 comments

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I'm gunna give you all my love, in the back seat....

Mmm... coffee. Wash away all those nasty rants of mine... Well perhaps not entirely.

I have been a bad bad blogger but I do have my reasons.. however flimsy and tied up with my laaazy laziness they are...

Ich hasse de Neurocam... Oh yes I do... I hasse them so much. I'm so overly tired of people's bullshit. It's gone well beyond the bounds of entertaining and is now dancing on entertainings not so fresh grave over in tiresomeville... I swear... One more poorly faked scandal, one more thinly disguised story posing as fact, one more piece of shit nutbag ranting about a friggin brownie and I'm going to throw in the towel altogether...

Where has fun neurocam gone? There's no mystery left in this relationship. No seduction, no subtlety. No romance. It's all... if i continue this analogy along to the tits and pussy conclusion it was naturally coming to it's going to make me look like a total prude but I'm talking metaphorically here....

The bickering and bullshit... too much! The picking over old stories and putting your own spin on them, not fun. If this is the way Neurocam was intended to go... well... my resignation letter could soon be in the mail.

On another cheerie note- Woo! Mother's day! There had to be a quantifiable bonus to having the kiddo... Mother's day is it, for sure. I may not have any of the monies or the freedoms I had but by gum! I have a whole new present day! Mmm.. presents... and pancakes in bed... Mmmm... and CHOCOLATES!

There aint nothing better than a box of chocolates... Nothing! It's not even about the chocolate itself... It the whole individual packaging that gets me... and the box. And the mineness of it. Mmm. Love it!

And I got Gwen Stephani. Mmm... Gwen. And she's putting me in a better mood. This whole post is going to have me sounding utterly unstable and vaguely bi-polar..


posted by johana at 4:57 pm | 17 comments

Sunday, May 01, 2005

First Google search!

Woo! I just got found via google for the first time! Some one was searching for my boobs, oddly enough... I doubt that they were my boobs they were searching for given that I have been less than forthcoming with the boobs themselves but eh... Woo! Found on Google! None the less...

The other thing that seems to have generated quite a number of hits was my bitching about wanker101 in Tripts comments... Has he got the big shiney boot yet?

Hmm... enough of the personal ego stroking me thinks...

Buh byes...

posted by johana at 1:23 am | 0 comments